Class BeanshellUtilities

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static Object coerce​(bsh.This bshThis, Class<?>... types)
      Create a Proxy implementing the given interface which will invoke a similarly named Beanshell method for any function call to the interface.
      static <T> T coerce​(Class<T> type, bsh.This bshThis, String methodName)
      Create a Proxy implementing the given class which will invoke the given Beanshell function for any method call.
      static <T> T coerce​(Class<T> type, bsh.This bshThis, String targetMethod, String methodName)
      Create a Proxy implementing the given class which will invoke the given Beanshell function for any method call.
      static void dump​(bsh.This namespace, org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger)
      Dumps the beanshell namespace passed to this method to the given logger
      static boolean exists​(Object bshThis, String variableName)
      An indirect reference to exists(bsh.This, String) that will allow the Eclipse plugin to compile rules properly.
      static <T> T get​(bsh.This bshThis, String variableName, Class<T> expectedType)
      Gets the value of the Beanshell variable, if it exists and is the expected object type, otherwise null.
      static <T> T get​(Object bshThis, String variableName, Class<T> expectedType)
      Gets the value of the Beanshell variable, if it exists and is the expected object type, otherwise null.
      static org.apache.bsf.BSFManager getBSFManager​(org.apache.bsf.util.BSFFunctions bsf)
      Extracts the BSFManager from the current Beanshell context using reflection
      static void importStatic​(bsh.This bshThis, Class<?> target)
      Imports static methods from the given target class into the namespace
      static boolean runRuleTerminated​(bsh.This bshThis)
      Intended to be invoked from a Run Rule task (or code that may be invoked from one), will check whether the task has been stopped.
      static void safe​(Object bshThis, String variableName)
      If the given variable does not exist, sets it to null, enabling ordinary null checks.
      static void safe​(Object bshThis, String variableName, Object defaultValue)
      If the given variable does not exist, sets it to null, enabling ordinary null checks.
      static boolean safeEquals​(Object bshThis, String variableName, Object expectedValue)
      Returns true if the variable exists and is equal to the expected value.
    • Method Detail

      • coerce

        public static Object coerce​(bsh.This bshThis,
                                    Class<?>... types)
        Create a Proxy implementing the given interface which will invoke a similarly named Beanshell method for any function call to the interface.
        bshThis - The ‘this’ instance in Beanshell
        types - The interface types that the Beanshell context ought to proxy
        the proxy implementing the interface
      • coerce

        public static <T> T coerce​(Class<T> type,
                                   bsh.This bshThis,
                                   String methodName)
        Create a Proxy implementing the given class which will invoke the given Beanshell function for any method call.

        This should be used mainly for “functional” interfaces with a single abstract method, like Runnable or Callable or the various event handlers.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the interface type to implement
        type - The proxy type
        bshThis - The ‘this’ instance in Beanshell
        methodName - The method name to invoke on method call
        the proxy implementing the interface
      • coerce

        public static <T> T coerce​(Class<T> type,
                                   bsh.This bshThis,
                                   String targetMethod,
                                   String methodName)
        Create a Proxy implementing the given class which will invoke the given Beanshell function for any method call.

        This should be used mainly for “functional” interfaces with a single abstract method, like Runnable or Callable or the various event handlers.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the interface type to implement
        type - The proxy type
        bshThis - The ‘this’ instance in Beanshell
        targetMethod - The method to intercept on the interface (e.g. ‘run’ on a Runnable)
        methodName - The Beanshell method name to invoke on method call
        the proxy implementing the interface
      • dump

        public static void dump​(bsh.This namespace,
                                org.apache.commons.logging.Log logger)
                         throws bsh.UtilEvalError,
        Dumps the beanshell namespace passed to this method to the given logger
        namespace - The beanshell namespace to dump
        bsh.UtilEvalError - On errors getting the variable value - If a Sailpoint exception occurs
      • exists

        public static boolean exists​(Object bshThis,
                                     String variableName)
        An indirect reference to exists(bsh.This, String) that will allow the Eclipse plugin to compile rules properly.

        If the bshThis passed is not a This object, this method will silently return false.

        bshThis - The Beanshell this variable
        variableName - The variable name to check
        True if the variable exists, false otherwise
      • getBSFManager

        public static org.apache.bsf.BSFManager getBSFManager​(org.apache.bsf.util.BSFFunctions bsf)
        Extracts the BSFManager from the current Beanshell context using reflection
        bsf - The ‘bsf’ variable passed to all Beanshell scripts
        The BSFManager
        Throws: - if any issues occur retrieving the value using reflection
      • get

        public static <T> T get​(Object bshThis,
                                String variableName,
                                Class<T> expectedType)
        Gets the value of the Beanshell variable, if it exists and is the expected object type, otherwise null.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The expected object type
        bshThis - The beanshell ‘this’ object
        variableName - The variable name to retrieve
        expectedType - The expected type of the variable
        The value of the given variable, or null
      • get

        public static <T> T get​(bsh.This bshThis,
                                String variableName,
                                Class<T> expectedType)
        Gets the value of the Beanshell variable, if it exists and is the expected object type, otherwise null.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The expected object type
        bshThis - The beanshell ‘this’ object
        variableName - The variable name to retrieve
        expectedType - The expected type of the variable
        The value of the given variable, or null
      • importStatic

        public static void importStatic​(bsh.This bshThis,
                                        Class<?> target)
        Imports static methods from the given target class into the namespace
        bshThis - The ‘this’ reference from Beanshell
        target - The target class to import
      • runRuleTerminated

        public static boolean runRuleTerminated​(bsh.This bshThis)
        Intended to be invoked from a Run Rule task (or code that may be invoked from one), will check whether the task has been stopped.
        bshThis - The ‘this’ object from Beanshell
        True if the task has been terminated
      • safe

        public static void safe​(Object bshThis,
                                String variableName,
                                Object defaultValue)
        If the given variable does not exist, sets it to null, enabling ordinary null checks.

        If the “this” reference is not a Beanshell context, this method will have no effect.

        bshThis - The current Beanshell namespace
        variableName - The variable name
        defaultValue - The default value
        Throws: - if any failures occur
      • safe

        public static void safe​(Object bshThis,
                                String variableName)
        If the given variable does not exist, sets it to null, enabling ordinary null checks.

        If the “this” reference is not a Beanshell context, this method will have no effect.

        bshThis - The current Beanshell namespace
        variableName - The variable name
        Throws: - if any failures occur
      • safeEquals

        public static boolean safeEquals​(Object bshThis,
                                         String variableName,
                                         Object expectedValue)
        Returns true if the variable exists and is equal to the expected value.

        If the variable is null or void, it will match an expected value of null. If the variable is not null or void, it will be passed to Util.nullSafeEq(Object, Object).

        bshThis - The ‘this’ object from Beanshell
        variableName - The variable name to extract
        expectedValue - The value we expect the variable to have
        True if the variable’s value is equal to the expected value
        Throws: - if reading the variable fails