Class Caches

  • public class Caches
    extends Object
    Static implementations of specific commonly-used caches
    • Method Detail

      • clear

        public static void clear()
        Clears all items in the Bundle, Configuration, and Custom caches
      • createBundleCache

        public static CacheMap<String,​sailpoint.object.Bundle> createBundleCache()
        Creates a new to hold Bundle objects, with the configured timeout
        a CacheMap that holds Bundle objects
      • createCache

        public static <T extends sailpoint.object.SailPointObject> CacheMap<String,​T> createCache​(Class<T> type)
        Creates a new instance of a cache to hold the given type.

        The default cache will expire its entries after 60 seconds, but this can be configured as described in getDefaultTimeoutSeconds(Class).

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type reference of the SailPointObject to construct
        type - The type of object to store in the cache
        The newly created cache
      • createConfigurationCache

        public static CacheMap<String,​sailpoint.object.Configuration> createConfigurationCache()
        Creates a new to hold Configuration objects, with the configured timeout
        a CacheMap that holds Configuration objects
      • createCustomCache

        public static CacheMap<String,​sailpoint.object.Custom> createCustomCache()
        Creates a new to hold Custom objects, with the configured timeout
        a CacheMap that holds Custom objects
      • getBundle

        public static sailpoint.object.Bundle getBundle​(String nameOrId)
        Retrieves a Bundle from the cache, or from the DB if the cache has expired
        nameOrId - The name or ID of the Bundle to retrieve
        The resulting Bundle, if one exists with that name
      • getBundleCache

        public static CacheMap<String,​sailpoint.object.Bundle> getBundleCache()
        Gets the static Bundle cache map
        The static Bundle cache map
      • getConfiguration

        public static sailpoint.object.Configuration getConfiguration​(String nameOrId)
        Gets the Configuration object (cached or newly loaded) that corresponds to the given name or ID
        nameOrId - The name or ID
        the Configuration object
      • getConfigurationCache

        public static CacheMap<String,​sailpoint.object.Configuration> getConfigurationCache()
        Gets the static Configuration cache map created on startup
        The static Configuration cache map
      • getCustom

        public static sailpoint.object.Custom getCustom​(String nameOrId)
        Gets the Custom (cached or newly loaded) that corresponds to the given name or ID
        nameOrId - The name or ID
        the Custom object
      • getCustomCacheMap

        public static CacheMap<String,​sailpoint.object.Custom> getCustomCacheMap()
        Gets the static Custom cache map created on startup
        The static Custom cache map created on startup
      • getDefaultTimeoutSeconds

        public static int getDefaultTimeoutSeconds​(Class<? extends sailpoint.object.SailPointObject> type)
        Returns the configured cache timeout in seconds.

        This will consult the following configuration keys in SystemConfiguration:

        IIQCommon.Caches.(type).Timeout IIQCommon.Caches.Default.Timeout

        If none are present, or if both are less than 1, the default of 60 seconds is used.

        The timeout in seconds, with a default of 60