Class ColumnToken

  • public final class ColumnToken
    extends Object
    The generic implementation of a colon-separated column token, e.g., ‘col1:blah:stuff’.

    The first component of a column token is always the column name, as it would be recognized by JDBC’s ResultSet class. If present, the second component is always a type token.

    At this time, type tokens are understood by ResultSetIterator.deriveTypedValue(SailPointContext, Object, String). See that method’s documentation for the accepted type token values.

    If a third (or more) component is present, they will be considered arguments to the type interpreter and vary by type. For example, a timestamp type may accept a date format.

    Token components are split using Sailpoint’s RFC4180LineParser, meaning that quotes are respected like a typical CSV.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ColumnToken

        public ColumnToken​(String input)
        Creates a new column token object from the input
        input - The input string of the form described in deriveTypedValue
    • Method Detail

      • getBaseColumnName

        public String getBaseColumnName()
        Returns the base column name (the start of the token)
        The base column name
      • getTypeParameter

        public String getTypeParameter​(int index)
        Returns the given type parameter, or null if the index given is out of bounds
        index - The type parameter index
        The value requested, or null if not defined
      • getTypeParameters

        public List<StringgetTypeParameters()
        Gets the list of type parameters, which is always non-null, but may be empty
        The list of type parameters
      • getTypeToken

        public String getTypeToken()
        Gets the type token part of the string, e.g., ‘xml’ or ‘timestamp’
        The type token part of the input string