Class ContextConnectionWrapper

  • public class ContextConnectionWrapper
    extends Object
    The SailPointContext.getJdbcConnection() method caches the connection that the context uses.

    Subsequent calls to the getJdbcConnection() on the same context will return the same object.

    This means that if you close() that connection, as you should if you are writing correct JDBC code, then on the second retrieval, you will get back a wrapper for an already closed connection. In theory, this ought to just pull a new connection from the pool, but Sailpoint has a glitch that prevents this. When you attempt to use the connection, you will receive a “connection is null” error from deep within DBCP2.

    This utility goes directly to the configured Spring DataSource to get a pooled connection.

    Note that this glitch doesn’t affect Hibernate-based sessions because those already use their own Hibernate Session Factory that also directly calls to the underlying DataSource.


    The nested layers of underlying connection wrappers is:

    • SPConnection
    • to ConnectionWrapper
    • to PoolGuardConnectionWrapper
    • to DelegatingConnection
    • to DelegatingConnection (*)
    • to Underlying driver Connection

    The connection marked with a (*) is the one that is nulled on close().

    • Method Detail

      • getConnection

        public static Connection getConnection()
        Gets a new connection attached to the current SailPointContext.
        The opened connection
        Throws: - if any failures occur opening the connection
      • getConnection

        public static Connection getConnection​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context)
        Gets a new connection attached to the given SailPointContext, going directly to the underlying Spring DataSource object rather than going through the context.
        context - The context to which the open connection should be attached for logging, or null to use the current thread context
        The opened connection
        Throws: - if any failures occur opening the connection