Class NamedParameterStatement

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class NamedParameterStatement
    extends AbstractNamedParameterStatement<PreparedStatement>
    Named parameter prepared statement wrapper, derived from various examples around the Internet.

    Rather than setting arguments by position, you can set them by name, the way Hibernate or certain JDBC drivers permit.

    Tokens have the form :name and must be alphanumeric.

    The same tokens can be re-used more than once in your query.

    NamedParameterStatement stmt = new NamedParameterStatement(
              "select id from spt_identity where (extended3 = :username or name = :username) and extended4 = :department"
    stmt.setString("username", someUsername);
    stmt.setString("department", someDepartment);
    // Use the statement like any other

    If you attempt to set a token that does not exist, such as stmt.setString("xyz", str) in the above example, the default behavior is to throw an IllegalArgumentException. You can use AbstractNamedParameterStatement.setAllowMissingAttributes(boolean) to disable this behavior.