Class IdentityRefreshExecutor

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    sailpoint.object.BaseExecutor, sailpoint.object.RequestExecutor

    public class IdentityRefreshExecutor
    extends sailpoint.request.AbstractRequestExecutor
    Request executor to do an async refresh on a single user.

    The Request must contain at least a String identityName. All other arguments on the Request will be interpreted as input options to the Identitizer API.

    If no other arguments are supplied beyond an ‘identityName’, the refresh will run with the following default options set to true:

    • promoteAttributes
    • correlateEntitlements (refresh assigned / detected roles)
    • provisionIfChanged
    • processTriggers
    • refreshManagerStatus

    The following options will always be set to true:

    • noCheckPendingWorkflow
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static String REQUEST_DEFINITION
      The name of the request definition associated with this executor
      • Fields inherited from class sailpoint.request.AbstractRequestExecutor

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void execute​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context, sailpoint.object.Request request, sailpoint.object.Attributes<String,​Object> attributes)
      Invokes the Identitizer to refresh the Identity with the given parameters.
      static void launchRequest​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context, String targetIdentityName, Map<String,​Object> options)
      Launches an Identity Refresh request against the given Identity, with the given options.
      static void launchRequest​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context, String targetIdentityName, Map<String,​Object> options, long launchTimestamp)
      Launches an Identity Refresh request against the given Identity, with the given options.
      static void launchRequest​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context, sailpoint.object.Identity targetIdentity, Map<String,​Object> options)
      Launches an Identity Refresh request against the given Identity, with the given options.
      • Methods inherited from class sailpoint.request.AbstractRequestExecutor

        processCommand, saveState, terminate
    • Method Detail

      • launchRequest

        public static void launchRequest​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context,
                                         sailpoint.object.Identity targetIdentity,
                                         Map<String,​Object> options)
        Launches an Identity Refresh request against the given Identity, with the given options.

        The “IDW Identity Refresh Request” request definition must be installed in the IIQ system for this to work properly.

        context - The IIQ context to use to launch the request
        targetIdentity - The target Identity to refresh
        options - Any refresh options (may be null)
        Throws: - if launching the request fails
        IllegalArgumentException - if the inputs are improper
      • launchRequest

        public static void launchRequest​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context,
                                         String targetIdentityName,
                                         Map<String,​Object> options)
        Launches an Identity Refresh request against the given Identity, with the given options.

        The “IDW Identity Refresh Request” request definition must be installed in the IIQ system for this to work properly.

        context - The IIQ context to use to launch the request
        targetIdentityName - The target Identity to refresh
        options - Any refresh options (may be null)
        Throws: - if launching the request fails
        IllegalArgumentException - if the inputs are improper
      • launchRequest

        public static void launchRequest​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context,
                                         String targetIdentityName,
                                         Map<String,​Object> options,
                                         long launchTimestamp)
        Launches an Identity Refresh request against the given Identity, with the given options.

        The “IDW Identity Refresh Request” request definition must be installed in the IIQ system for this to work properly.

        context - The IIQ context to use to launch the request
        targetIdentityName - The name of the target Identity to refresh
        options - Any refresh options (may be null)
        launchTimestamp - The epoch timestamp at which this request should be launched; less than 1 indicates immediate
        Throws: - if launching the request fails
        IllegalArgumentException - if the inputs are improper
      • execute

        public void execute​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context,
                            sailpoint.object.Request request,
                            sailpoint.object.Attributes<String,​Object> attributes)
                     throws sailpoint.request.RequestPermanentException,
        Invokes the Identitizer to refresh the Identity with the given parameters.

        The Request invoking this handler must at least supply an ‘identityName’ in its attributes. All other Request attributes will be interpreted as arguments to the Identitizer.

        context - The IIQ context for this thread
        request - The request to execute
        attributes - Unknown, some extra attributes?
        sailpoint.request.RequestPermanentException - if the request fails in a way that cannot be retried
        sailpoint.request.RequestTemporaryException - if the request fails in a way that can be retried (e.g., temporary connection failure)