Class CellOptions

    • Method Detail

      • addCssClasses

        public static CellOption addCssClasses​(String... classes)
        Modifies the given Cell to add the classes listed to the existing list
      • colspan

        public static CellOption colspan​(int span)
        Modifies the given Cell to have a column span of the given value
        span - The column span
      • header

        public static CellOption header()
        Modifies the given cell to set it as a header (th vs td)
      • html

        public static CellOption html()
        Modifies the given cell to set it as an HTML value
      • rowspan

        public static CellOption rowspan​(int span)
        Modifies the given cell to set its rowspan
        span - The row span value
      • setCssClasses

        public static CellOption setCssClasses​(String... classes)
        Modifies the given Cell to replace the class list with the ones listed
      • style

        public static CellOption style​(String style)
        Modifies the given cell to set its CSS style attribute
        style - The CSS style string