Class ObjectMapper<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of object being mapped
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public class ObjectMapper<T>
    extends Object
    A utility to decode a Map structure into the fields of a POJO object.

    This makes configurations type-safe and allows code accessing them to be verified.


    This class can coerce the following field types natively:

    • Boolean
    • String
    • Numeric values
    • List of strings
    • List of nested objects
    • Map from string to nested objects
    • Date

    The SailpointObjectMapper subclass (the default) also handles:

    • IdentitySelector
    • Filter
    • Script
    • A Reference object
    • Any SailPointObject type that can be looked up via a string ID or name

    Inaccessible fields and extra Map keys will be safely ignored, but a debug message will be logged if debug logging is enabled for this class.


    You must use the @Nested annotation to indicate that a field is to be ObjectMapped itself. If the field is a list of objects or a map, you must specify the type of objects in the list or the map values as the argument to @Nested.

    @Nested(SomeType.class) private Map<String, SomeType> map;

    @Nested(ListType.class) private List list;

    Maps with key types other than strings are not supported. (TODO)

    If the field’s type is itself annotated with @XmlRootElement (from JAXB), it will be assumed to be @Nested automatically.

    Fields annotated with ObjectMapper.Ignore will always be unmapped. For example, a field that you set in the default constructor may be ignored.

    If a class is annotated with ObjectMapper.IgnoreSuper, all superclass fields will be ignored above that class in the hierarchy. This allows you to extend provided classes without having to worry about the ObjectMapper scanning their fields.

    By default, a field X is set via the broadest method named setX that is compatible with the field’s type. For example, if a field is of type Collection, a setX that takes a List will be preferred over a setX that takes an ArrayList. You may also specify a different setter method name using @SetterName on the field.


    If the second parameter to any of the decode() methods is true, a cached copy of the decoded object will be returned. That is, two calls to decode with an identical Map input will produce the same (==) object output.

    The default for the Configuration and Custom decode() methods is to true (yes do use the cache), and for the Map input it is false.

    Cached decoded objects will be retained forever.


    By default, this class has a strong dependency on its subclass, SailpointObjectMapper, in that an instance of that class is always returned from get(Class). However, it is designed so that it can be fairly easily detached with only minimal modifications. It has no other external dependencies except Apache Commons Logging.

    • Constructor Detail

      • ObjectMapper

        public ObjectMapper​(Class<T> targetClass)
        Basic constructor.

        You should prefer get(Class) to this.

        targetClass - the target class
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static <T> SailpointObjectMapper<T> get​(Class<T> type)
        Gets a predefined mapper for the given type.

        Mappers will be recalculated when the plugin cache is updated, allowing mapped classes to be changed at runtime.

        Type Parameters:
        T - The type parameter
        type - The type of class to map
        A mapper for that type
      • isNotNullOrEmpty

        public static boolean isNotNullOrEmpty​(String in)
        Returns true if the input string is not null or empty.

        This is a replica of the IIQ version of this class so that this class can be separated from IIQ code if needed.

        in - The input string
        True if the input string is not null or empty
      • otoa

        public static String otoa​(Object in)
        Returns a string representation of the input.

        If the input is null, returns null. If the input is a string, returns the input. If the input is not a string, returns the input as passed through String.valueOf(Object).

        in - The input object
        The input object converted to a string
      • otob

        public static boolean otob​(Object in)
        Returns a Boolean reprsentation of the object.

        If the object is a Boolean, it will be returned as-is. If the object is a String, the result will be the outcome of Boolean.parseBoolean(String). Otherwise, the result is false.

        in - The input object
        The output as described above
      • otol

        public static List<Stringotol​(Object in)
        Transforms an arbitrary object into a List.

        If the input is null, or if none of the below conditions match, the output is null. If the input is a List, it is returned as-is. If the input is another Collection, it is copied into a List and returned. If the input is a String, it is split on commas as a CSV and returned.

        This method uses CommonConstants.FUNC_CSV_PARSER, so if you copy it outside of a Sailpoint environment, you’ll want to change that.

        in - The input object
        The input converted to a list, or null if it could not be converted
      • convertObject

        public Object convertObject​(Object value,
                                    Class<?> expectedType)
                             throws ObjectMapper.ObjectMapperException
        Converts the given object to the expected type.

        If the input is null, a null will be returned. If the input is already compatible with the expected type, the existing object will be returned. If the input cannot be converted, an exception will be thrown.

        value - The input value
        expectedType - The expected type of the input
        The converted object
      • decode

        public T decode​(Map<String,​Object> map)
                 throws ObjectMapper.ObjectMapperException
        Decodes the given Map object into an instance of the mapped type.

        If the introspection code is not initialized, it will be initialized at this time.

        If a null map is passed, it will be swapped for an empty map.

        Equivalent to decode(map, false)

        map - The map object to convert
        An object of the expected type
        ObjectMapper.ObjectMapperException - if any failure occur
      • decode

        public T decode​(Map<String,​Object> map,
                        boolean cache)
                 throws ObjectMapper.ObjectMapperException
        Decodes the given Map object into an instance of the mapped type.

        If the introspection code is not initialized, it will be initialized at this time.

        If a null map is passed, it will be swapped for an empty map.

        map - The map object to convert
        cache - If true, the cached value will be returned if possible
        An object of the expected type
        ObjectMapper.ObjectMapperException - if any failure occur