Class SailPointObjectCacheGenerator<T extends sailpoint.object.SailPointObject>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The cached object type, which must be a concrete subclass of SailPointObject
    All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class SailPointObjectCacheGenerator<T extends sailpoint.object.SailPointObject>
    extends Object
    implements CacheGenerator<T>
    A cache generator to automatically pull and cache SailPoint objects
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getValue

        public T getValue​(Object key)
        Gets the value for the given key.

        The Key can be either a name or an ID. This method must be invoked in a thread that has a SailPointContext.

        If the key is not a string, or if no such object exists, null will be returned.

        The object will be detached via Utilities.detach(SailPointContext, SailPointObject).

        Specified by:
        getValue in interface CacheGenerator<T extends sailpoint.object.SailPointObject>
        key - The key for which to retrieve a value
        The object, or null if there is an issue loading it