Class InputDate

  • public class InputDate
    extends Object
    The JAX-RS spec requires that an input bean for QueryParam or PathParamhave either a String constructor or a static valueOf(String) method.

    This is that bean, for dates.

    • Constructor Detail

      • InputDate

        public InputDate​(long input)
        Constructs a new InputDate from a long value
        input - an epoch millisecond timestamp
      • InputDate

        public InputDate​(Instant from)
        Constructs a new InputDate from an instant
        from - An instant
      • InputDate

        public InputDate​(Date input)
        Constructs a new InputDate from a Date
        input - The input date
      • InputDate

        public InputDate​(ZonedDateTime zdt)
        Constructs a new InputDate from a ZonedDateTime.

        The value is stored directly in this class.

        zdt - The ZonedDateTime input
    • Method Detail

      • valueOf

        public static InputDate valueOf​(String input)
        Translates the String to an InputDate.

        This is the method required by JAX-RS.

        input - The input string, in either epoch milliseconds or ISO8601 format
        The InputDate
      • toEpochMillis

        public long toEpochMillis()
        Returns the epoch millisecond rendition of the date
        The date in epoch milliseconds
      • toJavaData

        public Date toJavaData()
        Returns the java.util.Date object
        The java date object