Class BasicObjectRetriever<ItemType>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class BasicObjectRetriever<ItemType>
    extends Object
    implements ObjectRetriever<ItemType>
    Implements a reusable implementation of ObjectRetriever for use with any number of scheduled tasks.

    This class takes the following input arguments in its constructor:

    • values: If the input type is ‘provided’, these values will be interpreted as the raw input.
    • retrievalSql: A single-column SQL query that will produce a list of strings. The first column must be a string. Other columns will be ignored.
    • retrievalSqlClass: If specified, the single-column result from the query will be used as an ID look up the object with this type
    • retrievalConnector: The name of an Application; the iteration will be over a list of ResourceObjects as though an aggregation is running
    • retrievalFile: The fully qualified name of an existing, readable text file. Each line will be passed as a List of Strings to convertObject. If a delimiter is specified, the List will contain each delimited element. If not, the list will contain the entire line.
    • retrievalFileDelimiter: If specified, the file will be interpreted as a CSV; each line as a List will be passed to threadExecute
    • retrievalFileClass: If specified, the file will be interpreted as a CSV and the first column will be interpreted as an ID or name of this class type.
    • retrievalRule: The name of a Rule that will produce an Iterator over the desired objects
    • retrievalScript: The source of a Script that will produce an Iterator over the desired objects
    • retrievalFilter: A Filter string combined with retrievalFilterClass to do a search in SailPoint
    • retrievalFilterClass: The class name to search with the retrievalFilter

    You are expected to provide a TransformingIterator supplier that will convert from the output type listed below to the desired type. If your TransformingIterator does not produce the correct output, it is likely that you will run into ClassCastExceptions. That is beyond the scope of this class.

    Default object types if you do not convert them afterwards are:

    ‘provided’: String

    ‘sql’: If a class is specified, instances of that class. If not, strings.

    ‘connector’: ResourceObject

    ‘file’: List of Strings

    ‘rule’ and ‘script’: Arbitrary. You are expected to return the right data type from your rule. You may return an IncrementalObjectIterator, an Iterator, an Iterable, or any other object (which will be wrapped in a singleton list).

    ‘filter’: An object of the specified filter class, or Identity if one is not specified. The iterator will wrap an IncrementalObjectIterator so that not all objects are loaded into memory at once.

    If you are using this class in a context that can be interrupted (e.g., in a job), you will need to provide a way for this class to register a “termination handler” by calling setTerminationRegistrar(Consumer). Your termination logic MUST invoke any callbacks registered with your consumer.

    • @param
    • Constructor Detail

      • BasicObjectRetriever

        public BasicObjectRetriever​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context,
                                    sailpoint.object.Attributes<String,​Object> arguments,
                                    Function<Iterator<?>,​TransformingIterator<Object,​ItemType>> transformerConstructor,
                                    sailpoint.object.TaskResult taskResult)
        Constructs a new Basic object retriever
        context - The Sailpoint context to use for searching
        arguments - The arguments to the task (or other)
        transformerConstructor - The callback that creates a transforming iterator
        taskResult - The task result, or null
        Throws: - if any failures occur
    • Method Detail

      • getObjectIterator

        public Iterator<ItemTypegetObjectIterator​(sailpoint.api.SailPointContext context,
                                                    sailpoint.object.Attributes<String,​Object> arguments)
        Gets the object iterator, which will be an instance of TransformingIterator to convert whatever are the inputs.

        See the class Javadoc for information about what the default return types from each query method are.

        Specified by:
        getObjectIterator in interface ObjectRetriever<ItemType>
        context - The context to use during querying
        arguments - Any additional query arguments
        An iterator over the retrieved objects
        Throws: - if any failures occur
      • hasRetrievalClass

        public boolean hasRetrievalClass()
        Returns true if the retriever is configured with a retrieval class appropriate for the retrieval type, otherwise returns false.
        True if a retrieval class is present
      • getRetrievalType

        public com.identityworksllc.iiq.common.task.BasicObjectRetriever.RetrievalType getRetrievalType()
        Gets the retrieval type
        The retrieval type