Class PooledWorkerResults<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - The type of the results expected

    public class PooledWorkerResults<T>
    extends Object
    A container for holding the results of a whole pool of workers.

    This makes working with the outputs of pooled actions easier in Beanshell and other similar contexts.

    • Constructor Detail

      • PooledWorkerResults

        public PooledWorkerResults()
        Creates a new pooled worker result container
    • Method Detail

      • addFailure

        public void addFailure​(Failure<T,​? extends Exception> f)
        Adds a failure to the output
        f - The failure object, containing the thing that failed and the exception
      • getFailures

        public List<Failure<T,​? extends Exception>> getFailures()
        Gets the list of any failures associated with this pooled action
        The list of failures
      • setInterrupted

        public void setInterrupted​(boolean interrupted)
        Sets this action as interrupted
        interrupted - The interrupted flag