All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractBaseUtility |
The base class for each Utilities class that contains common functions to all
AbstractCommonIntegrationExecutor |
Superclass containing common hooks for the custom integration executor classes
AbstractJavaDataSource |
Parent class for Java data sources, making certain things easier
AbstractNamedParameterStatement<StatementType extends Statement> |
The abstract superclass for the named parameter statement types.
AbstractThreadedObjectIteratorTask<ItemType> |
AbstractThreadedObjectIteratorTask.CloseableIteratorWrapper |
Proxy to convert a Closeable iterator into an iterator
AbstractThreadedTask<T> |
An abstract superclass for nearly all custom multi-threaded SailPoint tasks.
AccessCheck |
Static methods for implementing access checks.
AccessCheck.SecurityCacheToken |
The container object to identify the cached ThingAccessUtil inputs.
AccessCheck.SecurityResult |
The container object to hold the cached ThingAccessUtil results
AccessCheckException |
AccessCheckInput |
Access check input
AccessCheckResponse |
AccessHistory |
A singleton utility for retrieving AccessHistory-related objects, gracefully
failing in pre-8.4 versions of IIQ.
AccessRequestUtilities |
Utility class for dealing with Approvals, ApprovalSets, and ApprovalItems
AccountAggregationExecutor |
Request handler to do an async execution of a single aggregation event.
AccountUtilities |
This class contains several utilities for dealing with accounts and applications
AccountUtilities.AggregateOptions |
AccountUtilities.MultipleAggregateOptions |
AggregationDateRetentionService |
A service to retain the last aggregation timestamps and other cache data
for Applications in a Custom object called “Aggregation Date Storage”.
AggregationOutcome |
A data class for returning the outcome of the aggregation event
AssignedDetectedRoleDifferenceCleanup |
Assigned role differences detection task.
AuthorizeAll |
Indicates that the API method ought to authorize the user only if they
are authorized by all of the AuthorizedBy sub-elements.
AuthorizeAny |
AuthorizedBy |
AuthUtilities |
Utilities for authorization, e.g., whether a user can view a QuickLink.
AuthUtilities.QuickLinkAccessType |
Indicates the type of access to a QuickLink we are checking
BaseCommonPluginResource |
This class is the common base class for all IIQCommon-compliant plugin REST
BaseCommonPluginResource.PluginAction |
BaseCommonPluginService |
BaseCommonService |
Abstract super-class for services.
BaseDelegatingConnector |
A straightforward “delegating” connector that will allow loading of connector
classes from a plugin.
BaseIdentityUtilities |
Utilities for handling Identity operations
BaseServiceImplementation |
BasicObjectRetriever<ItemType> |
Implements a reusable implementation of ObjectRetriever for use with any
number of scheduled tasks.
BatchingIterator<ObjectType> |
An iterator that batches up the inputs into batches of size
‘batchSize’, then returns them in chunks.
BeanshellUtilities |
Utilities for working with Beanshell at a language level
BetterDifferencer |
An API to reimplement the Differencer to increase its reliability with various
Sailpoint objects.
CacheEntry<T> |
Cache entry for use with the CacheMap class or other purposes.
CacheGenerator<T> |
This interface represents a factory for objects of type T
CacheMap<K,V> |
Implements a Cache that exposes itself as a regular Map.
Caches |
Static implementations of specific commonly-used caches
CaptureLogs |
An interface to abstract the log capturing between 7.x (which uses log4j) and 8.x (which uses log4j2)
CaptureLogs7 |
Captures the most interesting logs for IIQ 7.x by hooking into Log4j 1.x
CaptureLogs7.CaptureLogs7Appender |
The new appender that will log the messages if we’re tracking them and also pass
them on to the original logger if we’re higher than the original level.
CaptureLogs8 |
Capture logs in IIQ 8, which uses Log4J 2.x.
Cell |
A class representing a single cell in an HTML table.
CellOption |
A cell modifier that can be passed in to various methods
CellOptions |
A class implementing a variety of static cell options.
CleanupLinksPartition |
CloseableIteratorAdapter<T> |
A wrapper class for IIQ’s CloseableIterator that still implements CloseableIterator,
but also implement the broader Iterator and AutoClosable interfaces to allow regular
Java stuff to interact with it.
ColumnConfig |
A wrapper around the various ways of structuring report columns.
ColumnToken |
The generic implementation of a colon-separated column token, e.g., ‘col1:blah:stuff’.
CommonConstants |
Some constants that will be useful in many IIQ scenarios.
CommonExtendedPluginContext |
An interface to ensure that the BaseCommonPlugin* classes all implement the same methods
CommonPluginUtils |
Some utilities to avoid boilerplate
CommonPluginUtils.SingleServerExecute |
CommonSecurityConfig |
This is the implementation of the Common Security configuration object, as expected
by ThingAccessUtils .
CommonsLoggingOutputStream |
Implements an OutputStream that will write to the given logger whenever any
newline is encountered.
CommonsLoggingOutputStream.Level |
A representation of the log level
ConditionalTask |
A task executor that will invoke a Rule that returns a boolean indicating that
another task should be run.
ConnectOptions |
Encapsulates a variety of ways of opening connections to a database,
from Beanshell callbacks to connection info to specifying that we should
use the IIQ or Plugin DB.
ConnectOptions.ConnectOptionsBuilder |
A builder for this object
ContextConnectionWrapper |
Use this class instead of SailPointContext.getJdbcConnection() to work around
a known glitch.
DelegatedConcurrentMap<K,V> |
DelegatedMap<K,V> |
A Map interface that delegates all calls by default to the contained Map.
DuckWrapper |
Proxy wrapper for duck typing in Java.
DummyAuthContext |
Dummy authorization context for use with the authorization methods
DummyPluginResource |
Creates a fake plugin context for use outside of a plugin.
DummyUriInfo |
A dummy UriInfo implementation so that the BaseListResource that all plugin
resources depend on doesn’t crash.
Either<L,R> |
A functional programming concept that will contain either the left object or
the right object, but never both.
Element |
The root class of Table, Row, and Cell, which allows common functions
for style, CSS class, and other common HTML elements
ErrorResponse<T> |
ExpandedDate |
A VO class to wrap a date in a known format, allowing clients to
consume it however they wish.
Experimental |
An annotation indicating that the given type is experimental.
ExportConnectionInfo |
A record / vo class used to pass connection info to the export partition.
ExportIdentitiesPartition |
ExportLinksPartition |
ExportPartition |
An abstract superclass for all export partitions.
ExtendedPluginContextHelper |
A helper class intended to be used by anybody implementing CommonExtendedPluginConfig.
ExtendedPluginContextHelper.ConfigurationNameProvider |
Failure<T,E extends Exception> |
A container object holding a failure, usually used in a threaded context.
FilteringIterator<T> |
Implements a Filtering Iterator that will return only items that match the
FilteringIterator.DynamicValuePredicate<T> |
A predicate that returns true if a DynamicValue or a Script returns a
value that maps to Boolean true via Util.otob(Object) .
FluentAccessCheck |
Implements a fluent API for access checks.
Functions |
This class implements a whole slew of java.util.function implementations, which
can be used as a hack to get streams working in Beanshell.
Functions.BiFunctionWithError<A,B,R> |
An extension of BiFunction that allows functional code to throw
an exception.
Functions.ConnectionHandler |
A generic callback for doing connection things
Functions.ConsumerWithError<T> |
An extension of Consumer that allows functional code to throw
an exception.
Functions.FunctionWithError<A,B> |
An extension of Function that allows functional code to throw
an exception.
Functions.GenericCallback |
A generic callback implementation, essentially a runnable with an exception.
Functions.NullConsumer |
A dual Consumer and BiConsumer that just does nothing, eating
the object
Functions.OtobWrapper |
Wrapper class so that Functions.otob() can be used as both a
function and a predicate
Functions.PredicateWithError<A> |
An extension of Predicate that allows predicate code to throw
an exception.
Functions.RowHandler |
A generic callback for doing result set row handling things
Functions.SupplierWithError<T> |
An extension of Supplier that allows functional code to throw
an exception.
GuardedCacheValue<ValueType,GuardType> |
A cache value wrapper that allows access based on matching an
arbitrary guard value.
HashUtilities |
Utilities to return hexadecimal hashes of strings
HybridObjectMatcher |
This class implements an extension to SailPoint’s most advanced matcher, the HybridReflectiveMatcher ,
permitting in-memory matching of arbitrary SailPointObjects.
IdentityLinkUtil |
A utility class for efficiently reading various types of information from
Link objects.
IdentityRefreshExecutor |
Request executor to do an async refresh on a single user.
IdentityVO |
A simplified VO object that can wrap an Identity and some of its useful
IDWDataExporter |
A partitioned task for handling data exports.
IIQObject |
A meta-annotation that can be used to flag a field as an IIQ Object.
IIQObjectDeserializer |
A Jackson de-serializer for an IIQ object.
IIQObjectSerializer |
A Jackson serializer implementation for any object that can be serialized
to XML by IIQ’s XML serializer.
Index<T> |
An indexing class for associating items in a list with their index in the list
IndexingIterator<In> |
An iterator that keeps track of its index, allowing you to get the current
element count.
InProgress |
Indicates that a class or method is currently work-in-progress.
InputDate |
The JAX-RS spec requires that an input bean for QueryParam
or PathParam have either a String constructor or a static
valueOf(String) method.
IQServiceUtilities |
Utilities for interacting with the IQService, particularly for executing Powershell
IQServiceUtilities.RPCRequestBuilder |
A fluent builder for RpcRequest objects
IterateQueryOptions |
IterateQueryOptions.IterateQueryOptionsBuilder |
A builder for IterateQueryInputs objects.
LdapUtilities |
Utilities for dealing with LDAP DNs and other similar concepts
Link |
An object implementing the HATEOAS REST standard’s link concept
LockingObjectReference<T> |
An object reference wrapped by a ReentrantLock.
LockingObjectReference.LockedObjectAction<T> |
The interface to be implemented by any locked object actions
LogCapture |
A class to start and stop log capture as needed.
LogLevel |
LogListener |
An abstract log listener that will receive log events instead of queueing them
LogListener.LogMessage |
A log message emitted if a listener is assigned to the log capture engine.
ManagedAttributeUtilities |
Utilities for ManagedAttributes / entitlement objects
ManagedAttributeUtilities.BuildForm |
ManagedAttributeUtilities.BuildForm.Button |
A button option for forms
ManagedAttributeUtilities.BuildForm.Flags |
Yes/no flags as form options
ManagedAttributeUtilities.BuildForm.Option |
MapDecodable |
An interface that can be implemented by any object that would like to translate
itself from a Map input.
Mappable |
An interface implementing a Mappable.toMap() default method to transform
any object into a Map using Jackson.
Mappable.FilterMixin |
Sneaky mixin to enable this class to use its custom filter on classes
that don’t support it
MapTuple |
MapTupleBuilder |
A builder for MapTuple objects.
MatchUtilities |
Utilities for matching objects using IIQ APIs
Maybe<T> |
A functional “monad” that contains either a non-null value of the given type
or an exception, but never both.
Maybe.MaybeConsumer<T> |
A consumer extension that handles the Maybe concept.
Metered |
Starts a Meter with the given name, then invokes the callback, then
finally stops the meter before returning the output.
Metered.MeterCallback |
Callback interface where no output is required
Metered.MeterCallbackWithOutput<T> |
Callback interface where an output is required
MixinIgnoreType |
Can be used via Jackson’s ObjectMapper.addMixInAnnotations(Class, Class)
to ignore any particular type.
MockPluginContext |
NamedParameterStatement |
Named parameter prepared statement wrapper, derived from various examples
around the Internet.
NoOpIntegrationExecutor |
Implements a no-op integration executor, suitable for detached apps.
NoReturnValue |
NullCloseableIterator<T> |
An implementation of CloseableIterator that always contains no items.
NullConnector |
A connector that swallows all operations quietly, used for demo and testing purposes
NullInputStream |
An input stream primarily for testing purposes that always contains the given
number of zeroes.
NullOutputStream |
An output stream that quietly swallows the input
ObjectMapper<T> |
A utility to decode a Map structure into the fields of a POJO object.
ObjectMapper.AfterMapperMethod |
The method annotated with this annotation will be invoked after all mapped attributes
are set.
ObjectMapper.Aliases |
ObjectMapper.Convertible |
Implementing this interface allows a class to coerce itself from one or more
input types.
ObjectMapper.DefaultTypeNamer |
Translates from a Class type to a name.
ObjectMapper.Ignore |
Annotation to indicate that the given field should be ignored and
not mapped.
ObjectMapper.IgnoreSuper |
Indicates that the annotated class should be the stopping point for
walking up the class hierarchy to find setters.
ObjectMapper.Nested |
Annotation to indicate that the given element is a nested instance of the
mapped class, such as an identity with a list of identities.
ObjectMapper.ObjectMapperException |
The exception type thrown by all mapper methods
ObjectMapper.RawMap |
ObjectMapper.SetterMethod |
ObjectMapper.TypeNamer |
A functional interface to translate a Class into its name.
ObjectRetriever<ItemType> |
An interface allowing different implementations of object retrievers to be used
with the abstract object iterator task model.
ObjectSummary |
A default example implementation of an object summary VO object
OracleDBMSOutputListener |
A utility to read DBMS output from an Oracle database.
OracleGatherStatsPartition |
Partition to gather stats on the tables in an Oracle database
Outcome |
A generic class to represent (and perhaps log) some operation outcome.
OutcomeType |
The various outcome types that an operation can have
PairedException |
This exception is to be used whenever an exception is caught inside of a catch
PairedGeneralException |
This exception is to be used whenever an exception is caught inside of a catch
ParallelProvisioner |
A class implementing parallel provisioner execution.
ParallelProvisioner.ParallelProvisioningTask |
Parameters |
Utility class for setting the parameters on a Statement based on the input,
invoking the typed setXYZ methods (e.g., setString for a string).
PlanComparators |
Implements comparators to sort account requests within a provisioning plan.
PluginAuthorizationCheck |
A functional interface to handle plugin REST API authorization.
PluginDataSource |
A data source that delegates to a ‘real’ data source loaded from a plugin.
PluginJacksonMessageBodyReader |
Message body reader that can be reused across plugins.
PluginValidationCheck |
A functional interface to handle plugin validation.
PooledWorkerResults<T> |
A container for holding the results of a whole pool of workers.
PrivateContextObjectConsumer<T> |
A consumer interface for executing an operation on an item in a private thread
ProvisioningArguments |
ProvisioningUtilities |
Utilities to wrap the several provisioning APIs available in SailPoint.
Quad<A,B,C,D> |
A group of four items
QuadFunction<A,B,C,D,R> |
Represents a function that takes four inputs and produces one output
QueryTable |
An extension of Table to run a SQL query and export it.
QueryUtil<T> |
Simplifies querying by automatically enclosing queries in a result processing loop.
QueryUtil.ResultProcessor<U> |
Callback for processing the result
Quietly |
Utilities to quietly (i.e.
Ref |
Constructs IIQ Reference objects using a standardized API
RemotePluginInstaller |
A utility to install plugins remotely using the IIQ REST API.
RemoveNegativeRoleAssignments |
A task executor for finding and removing unwanted negative role assignments.
ReportExporter |
Runs a series of IIQ report tasks, then exports the contents of their CSV output
to a database table.
ResponsesAllowed |
The annotation specifying what VO objects can be validly returned from a
REST API endpoint method, apart from the defaults.
RestObject |
An abstract REST object implementing the HATEOAS standard.
ResultSetIterator |
An adapter that translates a ResultSet to IIQ Reporting’s preferred Iterator <Object[]>.
ResultSetIterator.ColumnOutput |
ResultSetIterator.CustomTypeHandler |
An interface to use for custom type handlers
RoleTargetCleanupService |
Row |
A class representing a row in an HTML table.
RuleWorker |
A worker that runs a rule and returns its result.
RunSQLScript |
A command-line entry point to run one or more SQL scripts via the internal IIQ utility
that runs your SQL scripts when you install or update a plugin.
SailPointObjectCacheGenerator<T extends sailpoint.object.SailPointObject> |
A cache generator to automatically pull and cache SailPoint objects
SailPointObjectDateSorter |
A Comparator to sort SailPointObject s in a reliable way: first by date, and if the dates are
identical, by ID.
SailpointObjectMapper<T> |
An extension of ObjectMapper to handle SailPointObject types
SailpointObjectMapper.SailPointTypeNamer |
Overrides the mapping from Class to class name to include the plugin cache
SailPointWorker |
A worker thread for multi-threaded actions.
SailPointWorker.ExceptionHandler |
An interface used as an error callback, specifically for use via the SailPointWorkerExecutor
but potentially usable by testing code as well.
SailPointWorkerExecutor |
Request executor to allow partitioning of workers across all nodes in the cluster.
Sameness |
Utility methods for detecting whether two objects are the same, since IIQ is inconsistent about it.
ServiceImplementationInvoker |
Functional interface to invoke the implementation of your service after doing
ServiceUtils |
Utilities for services
SingleServerService |
Abstract class to easily implement a Service that will only run on the
alphabetically lowest Server name.
SlicingRewritePolicy |
A log rewrite policy to extract bits out of an extremely long log message.
SlicingRewritePolicy.SlicingRewriteContextConfig |
SLogger |
A wrapper around the Commons Logging Log class that supplements its
features with some extras available in other logging libraries.
SLogger.Formatter |
Helper class to format an object for logging.
SLogger.Level |
An enumeration of log levels to replace the one in log4j
SmokeTestSingleServerService |
A no-op implementation of the single-server service class, used
for testing and demonstrations.
StampedMessage |
Implements a timestamped log message similar to what would be captured by a
logging framework.
StampedMessage.Builder |
A Builder for a StampedMessage, allowing a fluent API if needed
StampedMessageSerializer |
Custom serializer for StampedMessage outputs, to avoid having to let Jackson
figure out how to serialize the Throwable object.
StyleTarget |
An interface that classes can use to indicate that they can hold
Syslogger |
A utility for generating and committing Syslog events, even where IIQ would not
produce them.
Table |
Type-safe fluent API for creating HTML tables from data inputs.
TaskCallback<T,O> |
A generic task callback that can be used in various contexts.
TaskUtil |
Utilities for TaskDefinitions and TaskResults
TaskUtil.TaskResultConsumer |
The interface used for lock-and-callback utilities
TerminatorWorker |
A serializable worker to delete a single SailPoint object or a list of objects.
ThingAccessUtils |
Implements the “Common Security” protocol described in the documentation.
ThreadedTaskListener<T> |
An interface allowing AbstractThreadedTask jobs to communicate
with their threads without exposing the entire task model.
ThreadExecutorWorker<T> |
The worker for handling each input object.
ThreadWorkerCreator<T> |
A functional interface for generating a SailPointWorker from a given
set of objects, a consumer for those objects, and a taskContext for
doing updates.
ThrowableSerializer |
A custom Jackson serializer for transforming a Throwable into a standard
Map format, including type, message, and stack trace.
TimestampWithTimezone |
A small wrapper class for use with “Parameters” for setting a
timestamp with timezone in a bulk context.
TooManyResultsException |
An exception indicating that too many results were returned
TransformingIterator<In,Out> |
A class that applies a transformation function to each item of an Iterator
before returning it from .
TransformingIterator.TransformerFunction<In,Out> |
A functional interface similar to Function , except throwing an exception
TriFunction<A,B,C,R> |
Represents a function that takes three inputs and produces one output
Triple<A,B,C> |
Extends Pair by adding one more item
TypeFriendlyConcurrentHashMap<K,V> |
Basic override map class that exists entirely to include the TypeFriendlyMap default methods
TypeFriendlyDelegatedConcurrentMap<K,V> |
TypeFriendlyDelegatedMap<K,V> |
TypeFriendlyHashMap<K,V> |
TypeFriendlyMap<K,V> |
An extension to the Map interface that adds a bunch of default typed getXXX
UnsupportedConnector |
Utilities |
Static utility methods that are useful throughout any IIQ codebase, supplementing
SailPoint’s Util in many places.
Utilities.PropertyLookupNone |
Used as an indicator that the quick property lookup produced nothing.
VelocityEscapeTools |
Velocity has its own ‘escape tools’ package, but it is not included with
IIQ, so we made our own
VersionedCacheEntry<T> |
A plugin version aware extension of CacheEntry , which will consider
itself expired whenever the plugin version has changed from the version at
entry creation.
VersionedCacheMap<K,V> |
A variant on CacheMap intended for use in plugin-heavy environments, when
you may want to clear a cache upon plugin installation or update.